Northern Exposure

By Northern

Bet these look real to you, eh?

Managed to get a whole load of work out of the way this morning, which meant I could go out in the sunshine again, yipee!

We picked up Campbell from rugby practice and went to see his exhibit at a local gallery. The peedie class at school (P1 to P4) are doing a project at school on birds. They made these brilliant sculptures of Oystercatchers and the gallery hung them all from the ceiling as part of their Birds exhibition. They look great!

The one top left is Campbell's.

It was a struggle to choose a blip today. It has been so beautiful that blip opportunities were jumping up and down shouting 'Me, me, me...!" I really wanted to post a pic of the oystercatchers as it was a big thing for the wee guy to have something in a gallery. But the landscape looked so wonderful... solution, set the birds free. It's a bit of a crummy comp and it looks totally mad, but it's a good way for me to remind myself of the day.

After the boys had hoovered up all the food at the exhibition opening and I had managed to stop Campbell from necking a glass of red wine, went to have a look at the totem pole that has being done as a community project. Arrow nabbed that as his blip.

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