All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I'm starting to realise that some days I'm trying to cram too much in. Today was one of those days!

Despite Ethans drama getting to sleep last night, once he went to sleep at 9pm, he slept through till 3am-ish. Went back to sleep quickly after a feed and slept till 6am. He often wakes around that time now so hubbie does his nappy and brings him back to bed with me, as he's getting up for work then anyway. Today Ethan went right back to sleep after another feed, and just kept on sleeping! I ended up having to wake him at 8.20am to take him to his swimming class!

After the class we went to Morrisons for our weekly shop and got home just after noon ... at which point Ethan decided to fall asleep! Normally this wouldn't be a problem but I'd got him booked in for a class at Songs Galore which started at 1pm, and he hadn't had his lunch yet. I ended up having to give him a breastfeed at the beginning of the class to make sure he got through it. He then fell asleep in the car on the way home again and didn't wake till 3pm, so it was a very late lunch today!

I'm not sure if I'll go back to Songs Galore next week yet as I think the 2 things are just too close timescale wise and I can't have him missing his lunch every Tuesday.

I had planned to also take him up to the Heritage Centre again today to make the most of the nice weather today. However, a neighbour popped round for a cuppa unexpectedly and what with Ethans late lunch we didn't end up going. Probably just as well as I'd been on my feet nearly all day so was knackered! We chilled out in the back garden instead and basked in the late afternoon sunshine.

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