Fisher King

Up early for a run up Ben Haint, what superb views all around. Rum and Eigg out for breakfast, stunning.

Back home we all decided on a trip to Mallaig as we needed some supplies and a trip down memory lane for the kids. It was off to Morar beach were we have had some great times with the kids.

The tide was out and it was a long walk along the white sands to the open sea. It was disappointing to see so many people camping on the beach and just abusing itg with litter and dog crap.

Anyway away from the road we were on our own and the sun came out after a wee shower.

Eco mum was first in for a swim , followed by eco son and me, it was cold. Back ashore for the wetsuit and snorkels and we exported the beach, crabs and sand eels.

After a while we drifted towards Malliag to get some shopping, quick visit and a journey home.

As with every night the fishing rod is out, this was exactly as I was at his age.

This is eco son fishing with his charity shop tartan shirt from Mull, he loves it. Best £2 I have spent this holiday.

We watched the deer again tonight and sat outside close to them.

Weather looks crap for the rest of the week.

I have backblipped our hols if anyone interested and tagged ecohols.

Will try and keep upto date the rest of the week.

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