
In February I bought some lovely fabric and in June I bought a pattern for a skirt that I've had my eye on for a while. Tonight I finally decided to start sewing it. I love sewing. I love the concentration it takes. And the way it combines rigid following-the-rules-instructions with a little bit of make-it-up-as-you-like to result in something totally unique, totally homemade.

After two nights of trying to work on this project though, I realized that the entry level sewing machine I got for Christmas, I think three years ago, was holding back my progress. It jams and does crazy birdsnesting with the thread, breaks needles, and in general does a lot of pissing me off while sewing. I spend more time fixing the machine and ripping out stitches than sewing! So, I finally decided to invest some money and get myself a new machine. It will arrive at the end of the month and then I will finally be able to finish this skirt!

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