Jessie Tree

By jessietree

shaken not stirred

I went to see my lovely friend Debbie today. Everytime I go round they have a new car on the drive, no really! everytime.
This is their latest purchase and isnt he/ she lovely. (what sex are cars?)
I fell in love with it and regretted not taking up their offer of a spin round the block.

Came home to Lee buzzing his tits off having just been to see James Bond with Daniel.
As they sat and ate their lunch I heard Lee say to Dan:
'...he's a perfect James Bond, maybe even as good as Sean Connery. He has that certain Je ne sais quoi'.
Then quietly to himself quite matter of factly:
'.....Ive got it too........'

He then asked if i would rate him out of ten in his tight pants (which look a bit like James Bond's swimming trunks except they are stripy and have a few poo stains in them) Have to say I am looking forward to the show.

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