
By PlanW

Stand and Deliver ....

your money or your cat.

Well, its either lung cancer, heart failure, kidney disease or old age. So what we'll do is give her steroids and antibiotics, which will make us all feel better. Apply your credit card regularly and we'll see what happens. Meanwhile, the cat-who-never-moves-from-the-windowledge has been stomping about the house chatting since last night as if to say 'I'm fine, nothing wrong with me, no need for concern, nothing to see here'. Perhaps she remembers the dog 'going to the shops' and not coming back.

If only vets dressed like Adam and The Ants, it would make the whole experience much more fun. The vet by the way was rather tasty which is not what you want at all. You want a nice grown up fatherly man with suede elbow patches so you can concentrate on what you are being told not one who makes you drool as much as your cat is. While we're on the A&TA theme, I, on the other hand, look like Diana Dors, only not in a good way. Oh well, ridicule is nothing to be scared of.

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