From Where One Stands

By cassandra

Mixing it up

So many 'lasts' are happening for me right now.
Last times I teach classes (sad).
Last time I see individual pupils (very very sad).
Last time I go to such and such a meeting (not so sad).
In two days I will have taught my last lesson at this place (not sure how I'll feel when that happens. Im guessing sad).
In just over a week I will go to work and leave the place for the last time (dont even get me started on the mixed feelings about that!)

And today I demolished the PA system for the last time. After setting it up for the last time on Monday.

This is something that I am very proud that I can do. I had to learn how to do it all by myself, very quickly, and through unexpected and unpleasant necessity just over 4 years ago. And yes I am proud of myself for being able to do it. Especially as I am the only person in my whole school who knows how - seriously, the ONLY person. How crazy is that!?!

And I dont know if I'll have to do it in my new school. Dont know if they have one. Dont know if there will be any call for it. So it may be a while...

So obviously I had to photograph the desk. Obviously.

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