Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Kitchen bugs

I finally did it. I found a use for the crazy narrow slot in our fridge. It's been puzzling me what it's use was ever since we moved it in to the flat and today I realised. It's for holding tubes of fruity goodness. I'm not allowed innocent smoothies anymore due to their use of citrus fruits but these little fruit sticks (designed for kid's lunchboxes) were citrus free!

In other news:

As I was tidying the kitchen today I found some odd little mite type things. I've been wiping up "fluffy sawdust" for a week or two and wondering where it was coming from and I guess these must be responsible. I guess I should wear my glasses in the kitchen more often. Cleared the surfaces and given them a good scrub down so hopefully that'll be the last of it.

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