Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Welcome to my kitchen... wait, that's my dining room table, so why on earth is the contents of my kitchen all over it?

When I got up this morning, I noticed the panini maker was covered in tiny white dots. Got my glasses on and yup, the pesky little mites from the other day were back. After clearing the work top a second time I decided to do some other kitchen jobs like replacing the blown bulbs. Once up on the ladders I had the misfortune of finding the source of the little mites... a (supposedly) airtight tin containing a fruit cake. The little blighters were teaming all over it, I didn't dare open the box it went straight in the bin and out of the flat.

Unfortunatley as the source was up high, they've had a breeding frenzy spurred on by the hot weather, made their way down through the cupboards before making themselves known on the worksurface. So, the entire contents of the cupboards has been lifted out, half the open packets have had to be binned, the other half quarantined in the freezer. Every single peice of crookery has been through the dishwasher, even my butcher's block (I almost cried at having to give it this intense sterilisation and yes, it's now got cracks). The surfaces have been scrubbed, sprayed, bleached, dried and repeated several times before scattering bayleafs liberally through every cupboard. I normally love my kitchen, it's a quiet space of creative calm, currently it is a shamble!

Hopefully this will all get put back soon but a lot of it is having to stay in a box in the livingroom until I get to IKEA for more plastic boxes. I'm actually going to have to do the horrendous journey out there by bus, two changes and over and hour and half travelling ether way.

Note: mum and dad, if you need anything while I'm there, let me know.

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