Toby's Christening

Set off today to Toby's Christening in plenty of time, which meant leaving the house with the 2 kids by 8:30am, so we were quite chuffed.
However from that point on things went wrong.
Firstly we missed a junction off the motorway and had to turn around at the next junction.
Then we had an emergency wee wee break for Hannah.
Then the diesel warning light came on. So we stopped at the services only to see the sign "sorry no diesel" so we had to rejoin the motorway and drive on with our fingers crossed.
When we arrived at the small villiage where the christening was, we drove down Church Lane and pulled in to the car park. At 10am, just in time. so we rushed in with Hannah and Alice, right at the front of the church, only to look up and see that we didn't know anyone!!! Arrrghhhh, wrong church!!!

Needless to say when we arrived at the right church, we were a little late. Ooops.

The service though was lovely and the do afterwards was amazing.

Appologies that this is not a blip of the evilgoat family but I had to keep hold of Hannah during the Christening and never seemed to see Toby at any other point. So instead you get a blip of Hannah really enjoying the garden at the farm.

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