Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Painting shadows on the wall

After a stressful week last week with the alien infestation The Boy treated me to a really lovely day today. We both needed to update bank details at a branch in town and I had a bag full of pennies to tip in to a machine at another bank so we brightened up the dull errands. Our first port of call (after the penny tipping) was Eteaket, a gorgeous little tea shop in town. There we had a delicious lunch, drank great tea and purchased a couple of caddies to take home.

More boring bank stuff. We then had a gentle amble along Rose Street, tried not to get lost in Jenners before realising that no, we actually needed to be in Harvey Nics. A quick pop in to Lush found me some new perfume along with the usual bath products. I was quite glad they hadn't yet launched their new "chameloen" bath bomb as they always like to push new products and I may not have been able to withhold my opinion after reading their article in the Lush Times and finding they'd joined forces with the APA in an attempt to ban or at least severely cripple reptile keeping in the UK. I'm all for animal welfare charities but animal rights look past the important facts to sensationalise things to get their way. Anyhow, that's a whole different rant, on with the lovely day...

After Lush we made our way along to Harvey Nics to visit the food court and stock up on more tea. This worked in my favour as not only did I get lots of delicious tea, they also sold the amazing truffles that I can have so I was allowed a box of them too, but on condition I didn't have them until next week as I'd had a treat for this week already. Roll on Monday!

On our way home we walked under the canal bridge and as bubbles broke the surface of the water we noticed the ripples on the wall above. Needless to say we then spent a good 10 minutes throwing pebbles and making pretty patterns.

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