
By jeanine

zeiss contaflex super

Firstly, I'd like to express my sincerest gratitude for all of the warm and thoughtful blipday comments on yesterday's entry! I hope to get back to you all very soon :) I still can't believe how quickly the first hundred went by!

Onto today's entry: I believe this camera belonged to my grandfather and, at some point, fell into the hands of my father. Although I could be mistaken and it could have fallen into the hands of my mother from my other grandfather.

I'm not much of an old camera buff, but I know this one predates my time by at least a couple decades. I know it's a Zeiss Contaflex, and I'm assuming (from what I learned here) that it's the Super, not the Rapid.

Either way, I have abducted said SLR and intend to learn the ins and outs of it this summer. If you have any experience with this camera or know anyone who does, I'd love to hear from you! :)

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