Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl

Free hugs

Lots of sun today after many days of rain. A beautiful 18 degree day, a sky so clear not a single cloud seen. A fantastic day to stroll along one of Perth's engaged downtown, Murray Street.

The central portion of which has become a pedestrian mall was named after Sir George Murray (Secretary of State for War and the Colonies from 1828 to 1830). There was so much life very typical in the area: a show of tricks by a mime performer, a group of asean kids sketching portraits, a comical magician with a huge crowd of onlookers, a young pianist playing vintage tunes, a country singer with his acoustic guitar, and so much more all very entertaining.

These two youngsters were offering "free hugs." The world has become too stressful, we all deserve one the no-fuss way. She was very happy to have her photo taken.

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