No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Rain, rain, go away...

...come again another day... like when the grass is parched and brown after a long spell of lovely sunshine! Where has the sunshine gone?

On the way home tonight, I drove through the worst rain I think I have ever driven through. The M8 was like a lake, and all the cars on it were crawling along at snail's pace. Even with the windscreen wipers going Super Fast, I could hardly see. Scary stuff. However, I got home safe and sound without even a hint of a slip or slide :-)

Nearly the weekend. Spent most of today doing lots of analysis (for a change) on heavy fuel oil - looks like treacle but smells nowhere near as nice! Messy stuff.

Tomorrow night it's my friend's 30th birthday party in the west end of Glasgow - will be good to catch up with the girls, although let's hope the rain stays off. I even have a new dress for the occasion, so I'm hoping it doesn't get drenched!!

Have just heard - apparently my daughter was racing snails at nursery today. And one of the baby snails did a poo. Lovely.

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