
By esme

Small consolation

I love trees. They are so many wonderous things built into one big package. The shape and height and massive proportions of the biggest ones always amaze me. Unbelievable too is the amount of time and energy a tree puts into growing to such a size. This is why I am always sad when I come across a tree that's been cut down. One hundred years a tree could stand for, only to be chopped down within minutes. We recently went for a walk down our old street, Marchmont Crescent, only to find two big trees had been chopped down. These trees used to send eerie shadows into the flat due to the street lamp behind them, and in the summer when the windows were open you could hear the leaves rustling in the wind. Why did they have to go, I don't know. I bet most of the people on that street were never told, but someone somewhere else decided it must be so.

Now I know there are usually logical reasons for this, like disease unfortunately, but that doesn't make it any easier to take. The reason I hate the most is because a tree's roots are upsetting the foundations of a house. This does not seem logical to me because it's the house that is getting in the way of where the tree naturally wants to grow, not the other way around! In most cases it's the tree that was there first but a tree doesn't cost any money, so it's expendable, whereas the house must be saved. I just don't like "logic" sometimes.

So today I photographed a few tiny flowers someone must have planted where once stood another of our big, beautiful trees that we've lost. I'm glad they planted them, but it's a small consolation.

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