catch me i'm falling

By makeupyourmind

I've got my things, I'm good to go

i fly tomorrow at noon.
holy crap.

for a little over three weeks i'll be in germany, so expect blips!
i'm excited and nervous.
-excited to be traveling, to see my grandparents and friends, to improve my language skills, for the FOOD and, of course, sampling the cities i'm in with my camera
-nervous to be traveling, to leave my mom at home, that i didn't pack everything!
my suitcase is under 50 lbs which is both good and bad. good that i'm under, bad since i DO think i forgot something. oh well. i've got underwear. :) that's all i really need.

on a funnier note. my mom said it would be a bad idea to take three cameras. so i'm only taking two :)

title: bruised - jack's mannequin

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