See-Saw !

I think my favourite thing in the whole world is swing parks. I'm always asking if we can go to one and this week it's been raining everyday so we couldn't. When Dad picked me up from Papanan's today it wasn't raining for once so Dad asked if I wanted to go to a swing park. I said "swing park!" all the way up the road.

I especially like the see-saws at this swing park. They're not traditional see-saws but I call them that anyway. I really go for it ! There are two of them. I went on one and said "Dad do it too!" and he sat on the other one, but was too big to see-saw. Here's a video clip of me on it.

[We can't say the words "swing park" out loud within earshot of Orla otherwise she will want to go and gets upset if we don't. So we are very careful to just spell them out letter by letter.]

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