Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot


During my census work for the last several months, I've not been too inclined to take my camera along as I've been a bit nervous about people thinking I might be using it as some sort of government plot to invade their privacy. But it's just too hard to walk about the city and not see things I want to photograph, and my mobile's camera is seriously deficient in creating reasonably good representations of what I see. So... I've been carrying the D200 more lately. (I am also trying to ensure grabbing at least one good frame a day to post here.)

The current phase of the census work is almost at its end, but I anticipate that I'll be asked to stay on for the subsequent phase. It seems that with each phase, the current project leader recommends workers he/she thinks should stay on, and I am quite sure I'll be amongst those to be recommended. It's good pay (for a temporary job), so I hope that's the case. I've still not gotten off the ground here as a photographer.

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