
By PlanW

Oh Bread of Heaven

Had a message from a glamorous friend of mine asking for advice on a little boyfriend issue she's got (not that her bf is little, I couldn't offer much help there, I'm not a doctor). It occurred to me that it was the equivalent of asking a starving man to take a look at your dinner (though a window) and advise on whether you should have brown or white bread with that.

Now I'm rarely anyone's first point of call for counselling, relationship or otherwise. So I'm guessing that for her to call ME for advice she either:

- Went through her mobile phone book from the top and didn't get the answer she wanted from anyone whose name started with the previous 22 letters

- Went through her mobile phone book from the bottom and didn't get the right answer from the anyone whose name started with the previous 3 letters

- Wanted a really objective point of view because I have no ulterior motive and really don't, like, care*.

Anyway I told her to have them both and to butter both sides.

* She's not aware how true that last bit is, unless she's a blipper, which she isn't and anyway she wont have time for that with all the hot lovin' action opportunities that appear to have presented themselves.

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