
Apparently, that's what it's all about. Whatever "IT" is.

Before I begin, I need to give you a context. I have been a bit lost for blips recently (well, ignoring this last week which has been so busy at school that I have had plenty to blip) and I have been contemplating trying to devise a project that will keep me occupied for a little while.

In the car on the way home, I decided today that I would combine an 'introspective' approach with an "A to Z". This isn't a self indulgent project - well, it is, and it isn't. It is, in the sense that it will be about me. I want to reflect a bit, on who I am, what makes me tick, what ticks me off, how I've become this person that jabbers on at you all everyday. But it ISN'T self indulgent in that it is not going to be "look at me I'm fabulous...da de dah!". I hope after all this time that people know me better than that.

What's caused the introspection?

A number of things.

1. Today a colleague was most upset by the ill thought words of someone who had come to school to offer advice about something. They told her that something that she had done had given the impression that all she was bothered about was self publicity, which, if you knew the person in question, would be as far from the truth as you could possibly get. She was devastated. I tried, probably ineffectively, to deflect, and to get her to be realistic about her real self, but as she said to me, she doesn't put herself forward and is probably not as good at 'shouting about her achievements' as she should be. She is not a self promoter, and the whole idea of that makes her uncomfortable.

2. Yesterday, another colleague, who has become an avid follower of my journal, said that she really enjoyed it, because it had given her a real insight into who I am and she felt that she knew me so much better because of what she read every day. I was really touched by that, and also comments from others who continue to massage my ego by telling me that my images are pretty good. I think they are a little misguided - maybe they are only looking at mine...there's so much better stuff on here than my pics!

3. I am considering 'writing' in more depth. I think I have an outlet for this - I probably won't share it for a while, until I know where I am going with it, and whether I can maintain some commitment to it.

I digress.

Pondering on these conversations, and also reflecting on the retirement of two colleagues, and the loss of 8 others to new jobs or continuing HIgher education, I began to question where I am right now, in terms of career and as a person. I guess you never really TRULY know what people think of you, and whether their perceptions are reflective of who you think you are yourself. But I think it is important to step back from yourself every now and again and just check whether you are who you want to be.

So, an A to Z of me starts with Attitude.

You might also consider the following words beginning with "A" to be relevant to me:
Accident prone
Ample (!!!!!)

I am also an Aquarius, which makes my birthstone an Ameythyst.

Do I get a Grade A for effort?

Edit: i need to add....
Arresting (apparently - according to one comment)

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