
Up early and it was pouring with rain.

Woke the family for our trips. I was heading to Carna with Eco son, while Eco mum and daughter off to Tobermory.

We were using the local boat operator fro both trips, ours was 15 mins, Eco mum and daughter had an one hour trip.

Eco son and I headed out with some borrowed dogs to accompany Juno. Tag and Hendrick knew the way and raced to a path of sorts. Hendrick was doing his best to reduce the vole population on the island by catching them and chewing them before dispatching to his stomach.

It was tough going through the tussocky grass and heather but we reached a windy summit looking to the incoming weather to the west.

Found an easier way down and radioed to the jetty to get picked up. Eco son and I returned to the house to hoover and tidy up. Then it was off to pick up the girls from Kilchoan from the Calmac ferry.

We watched it roll in the heavy swell, they looked a bit wind blown. Last visit to lighthouse for soem fine cakes and home to get the house sorted out for our departure. We had decided to leave on the Friday night due to the pouring rain and the traffic that would be on the road on the Saturday morning.

Some horrendous rain and high winds on the way home, a pit stop at Tyndrum for food and walk and then home.

This is the view west over Oronsay from Cruachan Charna.

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