Believe. In Something.

By beautifulbelief

My Backyard

My backyard begins at the end of a large deck with plenty of seating for plenty of people.
My backyard is a large, fairly open space, big enough to play a game of flag football or even ultimate frisbee.
My backyard has a few maple trees on the sides to provide the occassional hiding spot for the little ones and shade for the not-so-little ones.
My backyard has no fence, no physical boundaries, except the weeping willow tree that marks the farthest point the wee ones can go.
My backyard has a white gazebo halfway back and to the left with hanging baskets of flowers atop each post.
My backyard has a small garden in the near right corner full of vegetables in the fall and roses in the spring.
My backyard hosts many parties, from birthday parties with colored balloons and streamers to chic, sophisticated dinner parties at night, jazz music playing.
My backyard is where everyone wants to be...
But for now, my backyard is only the stuff of dreams.

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