
By Instography

Wiesen walk

After yesterday's climb, we had a lazy start to the day. Graeme, Clare, me and Mandy (and the bairns) took the train from Filisur to Wiesen (just one stop) and then walked back over the Wiesen Viaduct and through the woods back to the station. Came across what is actually a very common sight in Switzerland - fire pits off the track each with a supply of wood. They do like a wee outdoor fire. In fact the supermarkets sell a whole range of picnic sausages and eggs. We also got to pick wild alpine strawberries. Tiny wee things but incredibly sweet. When we were done with our lazy walk we stopped at the train station for a beer. The station could hardly be less like a Scottish train station - smells of wood rather than piss. Trains arrive and depart when scheduled. They're clean.

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