
By Instography

Back to Orbey

We pack and clean the house and leave Filisur. A great week in an impossibly charming, picturesque, almost storybook, chocolate-box, cliché of a place. But it's real. David and Maggie have plans to drive to Epinal and then onto some other French towns getting home earlier than us. With The Moores we decide to stay high in Switzerland in the hope of lower temperatures than are forecast for France so we drive to a couple of campsites nearby but they're all dreadful. The Swiss may know how to run railways, make chocolate, knives, watches and campfires but they have terrible, regimented campsites organised around caravans and motorhomes. After a spot of lunch and food shopping in Chur to use up the last of our Francs we decide that Swiss campsites suck and we should leg it back to France, back to Orbey where we know the site and can make plans from there. Madame welcomes us back like long lost relatives and with Mandy's pidgin French giving a suitable denunciation of Swiss camping, we reclaim our spot under the trees and set up home. We brought our own wine this time.

Ellen loved pushing this wee old pram around and playing with the baby inside. It looks like she's joined a long line of toddlers who've been entranced by it.

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