first. blip.
i'm so cool.

so here's the first picture I took with my new d3000. I luurrrrve it.

the story of getting it is quite interesting... we were leaving this morning at 10:30 to head to ludington for the fam reunion. problem is, our mail truck (which was carrying my baby) wasn't going to come until 4. so, ellen (my mom) drove around the neighborhood to find the mail truck. to make a long story short, the lady in the truck said she didn't do our street and that our lady would be somewhere in the medical offices by our house. we decided to drive over there and creep around... where we found the truck. wewt, right? yeah no not yet. she wasn't in there and the door to the building was locked. well no it wasn't, ellen didn't know how to open a door. we go in and she starts looking around and finds her. I got my camera. and yes, that's right, we stalked the mail lady today.

so we're on the road and i took that picture. there's your story. there were 500 more that i took here in ludington that i could have posted, but i decided for my first blip i should use my first picture.

here's more of my favorites from today. http://bit.ly/bcpEae

i'm loving the world of blipping and such!

k night

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