
By LadyFindhorn

My Japanese Family

My tape measure and I are inseparable: we have a love affair with each other.
It wraps itself round my neck most days and doesn't appreciate being dislodged.
It has measurements in homely inches on one side and measurements in foreign cms on the other side. I need both sides as my brain works in inches but the world seems to work in cms.
I measure mostly widths of furniture and available spaces. I'm trying to fit a gallon into a pint pot.

Most of my bits and pieces for my hobbies are held in myriads of those Ikea boxes which were so popular about 10 years ago and which I bought in quantity to decorate individually. They need to stand on shelves which is exactly what the Dower House and my particular small allotted space does not have, and which more than likely will not have, given that the said small space has round walls and 5 windows. Hence the measuring to see what furniture I can fit in.

If I'm not measuring, I'm worrying. If I'm not worrying, I'm wondering why I'm not worrying and if I'm not even doing that, then I'm possibly asleep restlessly with the ever present inch tape beside me in my dreams. Such are my days.

In the next fortnight, I have another worry looming: what to take for our cycling trip to France and how much of it will fit into two panniers. Perhaps that worry will supersede the measuring worry and my inch tape can go back into its special Ikea box.

However at this moment my particular worry is what to post as a blip, given that I haven't been out and about much today.
In the end, I've chosen my little Japanese family which was given to me about 38 years ago by a friend of a friend in Paris. Shelves or no shelves they will come with me to the Dower House.

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