Palma airport

So the 2 hour delay became 3 and then 4. It was 4.30am by the time we took off this morning thanks to Spanish Air Traffic Control going on strike, or something.

Fantastic 10 days away and batteries well and truly recharged. Backblips start here. I wrote the words contemporaneously, although only posted today.

A few hours kip and then into town to collect some work and then off to get Joey from the kennels. Now about to compose an email to the kennels to enquire as to how it is he's come back with sores and scabs on his joints, tail and stomach. Its a pain, because not only am I not happy about the way it seems he's been kept, but of course, while work was piling up awaiting our return, I now have to take him to the vet in the morning.

Back with a bang.

Many thanks to Rach and the boys for a stunning week. Look forward to seeing you in August.

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