
By reminisce

Riding by myself...

I'm noticing that whenever I take a break from cycling it makes me want to go back. Its addictive and I become restless. So sure enough today despite having other things to do, which is a case every weekend, I decided to get on the cycle even if it was later in the morning.

I rode off with just my cell phone, camera and a bottle of water but no money. I had already thought where I would go today. I had no chores and the tyres had sufficient air from last week.

Dairy farm road is what it is called. Maintained by the cantonment and a connector between the state and national highway, this road has always been my favorite. I discovered it during my driving classes in 2006 and since then have looked for opportunities to frequent it. I even took a picture of my new car in this back drop then. This road is usually not very crowded and being a Sunday many of the shops were closed. So I got to enjoy this ride, feel the breeze and the sun was mild and hardly bothered me due to the green cover on this stretch of the road. It is so quick for life to get stressful and I enjoyed these moments by myself. I have noticed myself getting irritated quite quickly these days and I need to put a tab on it. The green cover and the few people on the road gave me a chance to be at peace, stop where I liked, click pictures and just enjoy what I saw, without being disturbed by too many curious prying eyes...

I was met with this group of enthusiastic kids who stopped seeing me taking pictures. They went ahead, turned and came back. The boy wearing the sun glasses was the smartest. He posed for a picture with a 'yo' sign, then he had lots of questions for me, where do I stay? Will i let him ride the bike? How much was the cost etc... I found this casual and sudden meeting quite interesting to my rather quiet ride :) I answered as briefly as I could to keep the anonymity of the meeting. I think that makes it more interesting :) Their glee and enthusiasm about the cycle reminded me of how much I cycled as a kid, and now I don't have half as much stamina. Even after the short ride I was drained out a bit and needed a sugar drink to get me back to normal. This means I need to do this more often... and I am looking forward to it :)

The rest of the day was quite busy with getting to the apartment and explaining what needs to be done for the nth time... I am really losing my patience with people who cant do simple math and goof up in spite of the additional effort they put in. Everything we try to buy is usually not in stock, so whether it was the new sink, or the tiles for the kitchen; we will just have to wait. Making the builder and the guy doing the kitchen, work together to get any significant results, is quite a task and very exhausting. I need to rush out to my vacation before I burn out. This was followed with looking around the Manikonda area to see the Lanco Hills part which is so beautifully developed. I thought it might be a good ride this way. The view with the clouds and the tall semi-built buildings was fantastic and I was missing my camera then. The weather being so beautiful adds some charm to things around and the colors are beautiful, the breeze is soothing. Then followed by some lounging at the Jubilee Hills Barista and then some quick discount time shopping makes me think like it has been a day full of activity. Whew!! off to bed now.

Random thought; it is nice to be remembered due to some good times :)

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