Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

a big hairy one!

Today was the school fair at Master Pink's future "big" school. We went along to support the school and also because its usually great fun!! And today we were on a winning streak, Master Pink chose three winning tickets on the bottle tombola - our loot was 1 bottle of lemon and lime flavoured water, a bottle of mateus rose, and a bottle of Liebfraumilch!!! We also had a go on the coconut shy, and each of us won a coconut! I now need to find some good recipes for three fresh coconuts - any suggestions???? chargrilled lunch all round and local strawberries for dessert. The boys and baby Pink stayed on to watch the dancing, while I popped home to tidy up the pink house, in time for a post school fair barbecue with friends.
Amongst the friends was my lovely friend Zoe and her baby boy Alexander who were visiting from the North! He is the most gorgeous little baby and was very happily cuddled and coo'ed over by all his "aunties"!!!

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