Lyn's Things

By Abzquine

All that way just for...

Oh deary me, I was rather the worse for wear this morning. It was obviously last nights curry and not the drinky pop I washed it down with. So a gentle morning but I needed air.

Long story short a friend took me to a graveyard (to try and find the creativity I have been lacking recently). It was a lovely peaceful spot and I love the place and certainly want to head back there some point. But I just couldnt get the enthusiasm going. I was happy to sit in the sunshine for a bit and wander round reading the stories played out on the stones. One family caught my eye, they lost a daughter then just a few years later they lost two children within 4 days of each other and another 2 months later. The mother passed away just a couple of years after that. It just made me stop and think.

I did take a couple of photos, of daisies. Can't ever tell where the day is going to take you I guess.

On another note this is my 199th blip... Tomorrow is the 200!

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