Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Plastic Fantastic

My sister's boyfriend works at the Rutland and they were having a relaunch party for 'The One Below' last night. It's the cocktail bar underneath. It has to be said that this isn't my kind of place at all (the fact that I had to think twice about whether I could wear my trainers says it all really - naturally I did anyway) but the promise of a night out with free cocktails lured me in :o)

Claire and I did feel a wee bit out of place among all the fake tan, skinny short dresses and incredibly high stillettos on all the tiny girls and we weren't much impressed by the rude boys either.
But hey, did I mention the free cocktails?!

It's a nice place though and if you like the bars on George St where the girls wear their high heels one size too big a'la Victoria Beckham, the music is too loud to hear yourself think and you enjoy paying astronomical prices for a drink then this is definitely the place for you!
(I'm being a bit unfair really - it is nice and the staff are great.)

Once we'd had about as much as we could take we went onto 'The Blind Poet' to hear a friend's brother's band play. It was scruffy and comfy and the booze was cheap (relatively) and we could hold a conversation (albeit rather drunkenly). Altogether much more my scene :O)

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