
By grainybits

Lough Key

On hols; enjoying the slow pace, wildlife and beer. Several great images on my phone today, this is the one I most proud of because there's a 1+sec shutter delay on this otherwise excellent phone, so I had to predict when the lads were actually going to jump!

How do you blip from a film camera? My favourite is an Olympus OM2, followed by a Konica Hexar, but I can't yet see how to upload images taken on dates other than today.

Great article 'No more cheap shots' by Bryan Appleyard on inevitable (cyclical) backlash against digital in today's Sunday Times. As someone who sold the early digital cameras and helped to develop the market, I always predicted I'd retire before film became obsolete and its looking like I might yet be right despite recent doubts.

Watch out for more updates from beautiful moorings on Ireland's river Shannon, over coming days.

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