Glad to be Out.

Ventured out into the big City today.
My lack of pictures for the previous days is because I have been ill.
It started last week when I was a bit dehydrated, and I thought it was sunstroke. Then my temperature went up to 39.8. I was finding it harder and harder to talk or walk - coordination lost.
Liz decided to call a doctor, and I managed to stagger into her surgery.
She prodded me twice, diagnosed appendicitis, told me to drink water and tea and referred me to the hospital.
Then she asked me for 50,000 euros!
I showed her my european health card, and she said I need pay nothing.
Went to the hospital, and after a lot of tests, they kept me in - with saline and antibiotic drips. They were very thorough, and gave me every test they could and found that I had an infection of my large intestine - cause unknown.
2 nights and 3 days in hospital, and my pain subsided and they allowed me to leave.
By this point, I had had no food for 7 days, so I was a bit hungry.
Liz made me mince and tatties, and it was the most delicious meal I have ever had.

So, back ot, and hoping to enjoy the rest of our time in Venice without any more excitement!


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