Hogwarts Towers

... well, as trailed yesterday I went on an adventure called the Caledonia Sleeper last night (overnight train from Edinburgh to London for those of you not in the know). I had heard some good things about it.

Overall it was passing pleasant. Although the 'First' class cabin was not exactly luxurious the bed was comfy, the breakfast hot and on time and I slept pretty well.

The service was a classic mix of British bumbling with tired fittings and overpriced drinks, but I couldn't help smile at the broken down carriage (which left several people without berths until the train met up with its sister from Glasgow) and barely muffled arguments betweeen staff. But to be fair, the bar/lounge was quite cool in a 70's secret agent sort of way.

Perhaps not so much 'Hogwarts Express' as Faulty Fawltey Towers on rails.

This is the sleeper host Manuel Derek. Say good morning!

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LOTD: I really like the epic sense of scale and drama in Kiwi's can Blip "Delaware bay" blip.

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