On My Doorstep

By bwhere

End of Term Report

It is encouraging to see that 'bwhere' has completed his first term and managed to submit his assignments on time. However, we do have a concern about his facility for flippancy. He too easily settles for the first thing that comes into his head. We would like to see him allowing more time for completion of his assignments.

We would also like to see him exercising a little more creativity. Alongside his fellow students his work does seem to lack the spark of creativity that we see in others. He needs to push the boundaries more and view things from different angles.

We are pleased to see that he acquired a macro lens this term. This opened up new vistas for him and it is obvious that he has enjoyed using it.

We are slightly worried to hear that he has acquired the new version of Photoshop (called by some Satan's Snap Fixer). While we know it can help some photographers there is a tendency for it to be over-used.

Overall a workmanlike start. We will be looking for improvements as the next term progresses.

The Blip Meisters

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