the refresh

I've definitely been trying to not take too many pictures inside the flat for a variety of reasons but mostly because I've trying to save anything potentially blippable inside it for when I really need it such as at 11:57 on an otherwise pictureless day or if I'm ever confined indoors by illness or injury. The result is that when I idly wonder one evening if I might try deliberately looking for something inside I can't immediately think of anything and end up going outside anyway. Home is generally a place of resting the eyes and feet so I tend not to do the looking-round-for-interesting-things thing when there; the other advantage of this is that the big piles of mess gradually fade into the background if not watched too closely. Every now and then something will jump out at me but it's usually on a weekend morning when we get our brief moment of direct sunlight (not applicable November-February) and therefore counts as the outside. Anything not lit by direct sunlight inside the flat tends to have to suffer the indignity of horrible lighting casts. Strange, then, that I go outside into the rain to take a picture of an artificial light. Not being orange probably has a lot to do with the attraction.

Today was much nicer than yesterday. Tomorrow should be even better.

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