Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Messy boy!

Playing catch up from the sleep I missed out on at the weekend with my silly woman worrying routine. Mr EG nicked my usual cop out blip though she is beautiful enough to be blipped by both of us every day!

Instead you get Mr EG brushing his teeth. I have never seen anyone else brush their teeth like him. For some reason, only known to him, he does not spit the excess toothpaste out as he is brushing like everyone else. He lets it run all down his cheek, hand and arm and onto the floor, walls ... everywhere!. When we first met, I couldn't quite believe the mess from such a routine everyday thing and it used to crack me up and still does sometimes! I have tried to teach him over the years how to brush his teeth like the rest of the world, but like lots of things, he has got his own quirky way of doing stuff. So there!

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