capitalist nonce

I got myself roped into doing a design job 'as a favour' for friends (wedding invitations). I got a call from one of them last week, wondering if I had anything to show them yet (this was on Thursday, with the 'favour' being discussed only the previous Sunday). I explained that I hadn't time to do anything yet. He sounded upset, and only then told me that they wanted to send out the invites at the beginning of August. I met them again yesterday and, having looked again at what they'd originally given me to work from, suggested that we meet today to clear up some queries I had. That's when they dumped on me the fact that they'd got paper samples and wanted the invites printed on 'something like' one of these, which is 'sort of cream'. As well as that, they now told me (the first I'd heard of it) that they wanted a reply card designed also, which is to go out with the invites. I was a bit annoyed, to put it mildly, and stressed the need to meet again today to thrash things out.

Originally, all I'd intended was to talk to them today, tidy up the various loose ends, and only then tackle the actual design work. But I woke during the night with an idea germinating in my head, came down to my trusty iMac, and worked it up into a passable proposal - all of which took until 4.30 am. I was back working on the job again at 8.30 and had artwork ready by 9.45 to bring to a digital print shop in town, having decided that I'd really impress the 'clients' by actually having a mockup to show them when we met. The service was exemplary in the shop, and they output the job while I waited. It was only when I got home and trimmed and folded the print that I realised the reverse had been flipped upside down during the print process. Back into town I went, explained the problem and got a re-print done. This was fine, and came together quite nicely as a mockup.

I met the guys at 3.00. We went through my queries from yesterday and sorted these out (as it happened, I'd made my own calls already, all of which turned out to be spot on). Only then did I produce the mockup. They loved it, and agreed then and there to go to print with it, subject only to a final text check. So, a good outcome, I thought. But that wasn't the end of it. Despite doing this 'as a favour', they now wondered, since they liked the design so much, if I could also produce an itinerary and table place cards to match. I was rather fuming inside, wondering just how long this piece of string would finish up, but didn't feel that I could really say anything but okay to taking on the extra work. Still, it's a bit much, I reckon.

The blip came about during one of my use-up-the-time-on-the-pay-and-display-ticket wanders after getting the first print done. I presume 'capitalist nonce' is derogatory? Whatever its intent, it's on a gate in Lad Lane. This is the original. I've messed about a bit with it.

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