Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Salon 54 and Spa

Daniel got in a fight and I had to take him to the vet this morning. While waiting for them to clean him up and check it out, I wandered the new Donald Ross Village Mall, which has some nice artistic attributes.

While wandering, I heard a voice ask, "What are you doing, spying on us?" When I answered with a humorous "Yes", he looked a bit startled, and so I explained I was "blipping".

The owner of this lovely salon asked me to come in and take a photo of his beautiful waterfall on the wall. The photo does not do justice to the beauty of the waterfall, nor the lovely gal smiling at the desk. But, I promised to put up this photo, and a promise is a promise in my book.

If Daniel were not costing me $100 a fight, I might wander in for a treatment. But, I know I won't. I cut my own hair and don't even wear make-up...not much of a candidate. But, if I were, I think I would go here as the people are so friendly.

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