Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside!

another last min blip.

i promise a half decent blip tomorrow, as we're off to The RHS Tatton Show, should be good, a bit worried about the rain and the mud but hey ho i'm sure we'll be ok.

i also need driving lessons, i've facebooked someone about some and they are going to give me a call tomorrow. feel sick thinking about them!

it's been about 9 years since i tried to drive a car, was an almost disaster and been far too scared to try but with stuff thats going on at work and stuff i need to learn to drive, i need to find a new job, i need to win the lottery and i need to stop buying crap!

the lottery would really stop me needing to do all of the above!

edit - photo updated to a clearer one i uploaded the wrong one yesterday but i couldn't get blip to change it last night

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