X Sighted

By q8rdave

Too Much Rouge?

Had a great doctor's report at the VA (being a disabled Vietnam vet I get constant checkups to make sure I am breathing enough to still be on the rolls - my disability says I am completely crazy and unemployable as the numerous people who insist on giving me curatorial jobs soon discover). Cholesterol, sugar and weight down which, of course, means for lunch you have the giant rare burger with CHEESE, mounds of fries and full fat ice cream with sugary syrup. I'm no fool. I know an opportunity to undo the best efforts of medical staff and drug companies when it presents itself.

Sooooo from previous Blips you may have noted a juggernaut that crushes my sensibilities when I am in the over-designed confines of fast food restaurants. Here is yet another dubious document of said same. The restaurant is called Red Robin. So red (even spelled out) is the connector in the composition. That and the upper part of James Dean's head. Hmmmmm - James Dean = Red Robin? Nope, don't get it.

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