mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Missing wheels

You may remember me previously describing walking around where we live. Well, it was nice this afternoon so I took Aidan for a walk. Thankfully I went out at 4.30pm so I think most of the hooligans youths were at home waiting on their dinner. There are a few cars like this is the area. Very nice.

The rest of the day was spent in the house cleaning and doing washing. Trying to find a happy medium with Aidan regarding milk/food. I think we've just about cracked it but today we had a screaming session while mummy was trying to adjust the balance. Tomorrow will be better!

Heard about the M&S sale via Money Saving Expert so I went on the website and got a few half price items for Aidan. Love bargain hunting! Decided to skip Pilates tonight. I used to go on Tuesday lunchtimes but during the holidays it has changed to Thursday nights at a different venue. Maybe I'll go another time, still trying to decide if it's worth the extra hassle.

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