What Are The Odds?

Rachel and I were driving out to our old lake house that we have been trying to make livable again (It lookin' good, too!) Now this house is not close to town. You drive four miles south on Highway 101, passing one lake. Then you turn on a smaller road and pass another lake. You drive about five miles on that road and then the road gets even smaller. You go over a medium mountain and then get to a one lane road with two way traffic using it. Thank goodness there isn't a lot of usage. Well, on the medium mountain, there was a rock slide. It wasn't there yesterday but it was not only there today, it was already decorated! Now, my question is....Did the guy drive all the way back to town to get a spray can or does he carry one in his car for just such occurrences? However he did it, I am convinced that he did it to make us smile - and it worked!

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