pictures wot i took

By antlersandall


Took the camera out because I'd seen the woodpecker hopping about - had managed to snap him through the window but he was looking away in both shots. Typically he flew off as soon as I got outside.

Then spied HUNDREDS of crows on the roof of the barn - you can see them taking off as a smudge to the centre right in the sky. Tried to focus in on them and I hve few shots like that, but I preferred the stitched image of the sunburst through the cloud.


End of term today YAY! Last assembly this afternoon was a real tear-jerker, and mine's still got 5 years to go! There was a fantastic sketch written by one of the outgoing Year 6 pupils - she'd caricatured the teachers/staff absolutely brilliantly and had everybody (including those that were having the mickey taken out of them) in stitches.

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