hidden gem

behind edinburgh's nice and even not-so-nice street facades, there are hidden gems in the shape of gardens behind the tenements/flats/villas of the city. A, who i worked with in glasgow for several years and now work with in edinburgh, has one of them - and today i finally got the chance to go and check it out!

another blazing day (what is it with the weather this week? - check out the last two backblips to see what i mean!), just right for admiring the garden of her lovely flat in the west end. so blazing, in fact, that we retreated indoors away from the heat!

it's a lovely wee spot, lots going on but plenty more potential - tho they've lived here for years gardening is a recent obsession, according to H, the other half. cute little veg patch, plus spuds and tomatoes further up (plus a greenhouse full of tomatoes masquerading as triffids...), nice shrubby borders - and a dinky pond with fishies in it :-) i'm so very envious; it's the kind of place i'd love to own, but can't see me ever having the wherewithal :-(

maybe i'll start buying lottery tickets...

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