
By gilliebg

The Red Barn

I love this old barn; it is the sort of place in which I would like to live. That is, if it were not on a major highway, by a cross roads where there are regular serious accidents. The county has put in lights now, but the blinking kind peculiar to the USA; if it is blinking red, you should stop, if it is blinking amber, you should take care. Not enough care is taken however. This, and the fact that the Red Barn has now found a new life as a deli/restaurant makes it quite difficult to photograph as during the day there are trucks and advertisements in the parking lot. Also, I have found it impossible to expose correctly, so as to get the reflections and not burn out the sky. I have had the barn in my blipbank for a while; this morning I went out as the sun was coming up and I think this is probably the best I can do; I wanted to make it look as it may have done, years ago.

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