
By timon


Today was a first day after many weeks when it was not hot. Had a normal walk by the river but without a SLR and tele lens. Tried to photograph something small.

I've back blipped my St. Petersburg trip pictures starting here. This was my seventh time there but first time for purely leisure.

First time in 2002 was not documented but if you are interested in seeing pictures of St. Petersburg follow the links below.

Second time in Sep 2007 I photographed with my old Sony V-1 and found the pleasure of a compact as a travle companion.

Third time in Jan 2008 I used Anniina's P5000.

Fourth time in May 2008 Anniina was with me and we stayed over the weekend and I had my D50.

Fifth time in Sep 2008 I already had my LX3.

And in sixth time in Mar 2009 I used my D90.

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