The Life of Penguin Five

By penguinfive

Cantillon brewery

Today we visited the oldest beer brewery in Brussels, the Cantillon Brewery. The Cantillon Brewery was founded in 1900 and remains the only active brewery in Brussels which is open to the public.

The Cantillon family brewery decided to open its facilities in 1978 to the public in order to preserve the name and reputation of the lambic beer. The brewery still produces geuze, kriek, lambic, faro, framboise and iris beers.

Even though you're right in the city it feels like you entered someone's farm house turned brewery. The brewery has a quiet and dark atmosphere along with loads of wooden beer barrels, resting bottles, a lambic fermented air and a few cobwebs. It still looks almost the same as in 1900!

At the end of the visit you are offered a complimentary glass of geuze and a glass of fruitbeer. Even though the beer wasn't my cup of tea, the brewery is a great place to visit!

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