Double Tree Cup

Not exactly what one expects whilst walking one's dog by the river. A lime-green lacy bra around a tree trunk, stylishly stuffed with crushed beer cans (for added shape, I suppose).

Still, there it was.

We also saw a Kookaburra way up in a tree. He was cackling away to himself. I managed to identify him by means of my inadequate lens. However, by zooming in once on the computer, his shape was unmistakable. E, my new flatmate from near Adelaide was able to confirm my suspicions (and help me to spell Kookaburra!).

It's odd because I didn't think we had them over here in NZ. Maybe he had escaped from somewhere.

I got my new (old) couch today. It looks pretty good in situ. I am sure that it will make a good rainy day blip some day. It's a corner couch and so takes up less space than my old one, whilst giving more space to sit on. Winner.

I'm off now to do some uni work and then out for tea.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


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