Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche

Camino de Santiago

Difficult to choose an image for today.

I've been to "Burg Jazz" in Landstuhl at Nanstein Castle.

It was a great concert. Burg Jazz takes place every year from Friday to Sunday on the 3rd weekend in July. It is an unbelievable atmosphere at the castle because of the unique location for a Jazz Festival.
But the entire day there was yesterdays tragedy at the Love Parade in Duisburg on my mind.

So I choose the scallop shell, the symbol of the Camino (the Pilgrims Way of St. James) to Santiago de Compostela in Spain ("Jakobsweg" in German).

One of the German routes crosses the main entrance to the castle. The shell leeds the pilgrams to the right way.

8:30 p.m. 18,2° C

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